Rest in peace Wolf Erlbruch. Thank you for your beautiful art, thank you for your wise stories, for all these very human animals you drew. You’ve enriched our lifes and this will stay. I’m feeling deeply blessed that I was able to study under your sharp watch, from your unbeatable talent.
Comic Salon 2020
I haven’t posted here for a while. But now I have to, as I am heading for the Comic Salon in Erlangen next week. Finally, after the break two years ago due to the pandemic, w are finally able to meet up with friends, readers, colleagues and publishers in person. I am so looking forward to this. I will be signing ‘Fahrradmod’ at the booth of Carlsen in the main tent on three different occasions, but there is also a panel with Barbara Yelin, Nathalie Franke, Reinhard Kleist and me, where we talk about our work for the remembrance culture. Also Thilo Krapp and me will present along with the artists who took part the all-new clip for the Illustratoren Organisation (IO) about the work of comic artists.
See you in Erlangen. Here is my full program and that of my publisher. I can’t wait!
Carlsens programme.
Good Work 2020
It’s been a crazy year this 2020. I’m working at home since march and will continue to do so a few more weeks. But I’m happy there was a lot of work on my table, which I am very grateful for. As usual I put together a little portfolio with some of the work of 2020. You can download it here, have a look if you like. And if you’re interested in me working for your project, please let me know by dropping me a line. Or call me.
Happy Holidays
Dear friends and clients far away and close, I wish you and your loved ones wonderful holidays, although this christmas will be a lot different than we are used to. Keep the vulnerable safe and give the ones close to you that extra hug. And let’s not forget those who have nothing, while we sit warm and comfortable. We will get through this, and I hope the coming year will be much better for all of us. Until then, stay safe and healthy. Merry christmas everybody!
The world outside… happy holidays!
Representation of War and the Holocaust in Comics
If you missed our live talk on histocon last friday, you can now watch it on Youtube. Barbara Yelin shows exclusive first drafts from her new book, which are already fascinating, I am showing panels from my "Columbusstrasse" project for the first time, and Jakob Hoffmann moderated the whole thing. Feel free to take a look.
Comics on war
These days we celebrate that World War 2 had ended 75 years ago. In so many countries there were were memorials planned, that cannot take place in these Corona times. In Berlin there was a congress planned this weekend, the histoCON, organised by the Federal Agency for Civic Education. A congress for young people from all over the world to reflect on WWII and war in general. I was quite excited to be asked to take part in this, to talk with famous graphic novel artist Barbara Yelin and Jakob Hoffmann about our work and how to deal with the subject war in comics.
It would have been the first time that I show some of the artwork of my upcoming graphic novel ‚Columbusstrasse‘ in public. Well, the congress can’t take place, but here’s the good news: this friday we are talking about our work on the internet instead of in Berlin.
We will both show some work, talk about our research and our approach to the subject. We will also read a few pages from our books.
Tune in this friday, 5 pm on histocon. And check out all their other features, too. We may never forget.
Freelancing in Corona times. Interview with Tagwerk
The German site Tagwerk who offers accounting tools for freelancers, did a little interview with me about the impact these days have on my work and on my daily life. I see it as a challenge, there is a great need for good and clear communication. And because these times are difficult for many, communication should be done in a charming way. The way we work is about to change, companies have to deliver a serious message. Approach your staff and clients in a positive and a distinct way to get their attention. Let me know If I can help with this :)
Drawing at the Home Office, now in English
As mentioned earlier, I translated the comic about working at home to English, for your leisure. I hope you enjoy it. Stay healthy, stay safe.
Drawing at the Home Office, a comic for the Comic Salon
The news hit the comic community hard this week, the International Comic Salon in Erlangen is cancelled for this year, making it an exhausting four years in total to wait for the next edition. We are all devastated, but of course we’ve all seen it coming, the Corona virus and the restrictions will stay with us for a while.
But there’s also good news. It says a lot about the staff of the festival that in these times they asked German comic artists to describe their daily life, their situation during the lockdown, at home, Drawing at the Home Office. 20 artists have participated so far, and I feel flattered to be one of them.
You can take a look at the results on the official page of the Comic Salon. Please go there, share and support them with this. And I hope we will see each other in two years at the least, healthy and happy. Stay safe.
There is also a first article about the series.
Here is my comic.
This Is Ska
Bad news from This Is Ska Festival, it’s not going to happen this year. But that was about to be expected. The good news is the festival is just postponed and will take place next year, with all the acts. And you can help them by ordering a ticket with a solidarity shirt, that I designed for the for the occasion. I hope you like it.
Let's unite and get through this together. Keep the faith!
P.S.: O dear, I totally forgot to announce my last illustration for the festival poster. Have to do that soon.
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter everyone! Enjoy the holidays close to your homes, with hopefully some sun, good food, and nice conversations. I hope you’re all well. We are, still busy with work, but also taking some time for the family. Be safe.
Tough Times
These are tough times for everyone, also for a lot of people of my tribe, the illustrator’s and (comic) artists.
Our German organization, the IO, just published an announcement how you can help us. Simply continue giving us work, don’t pause projects, and if you have to, maybe there are other, different ways to realize them still. Talk to us and let’s try to find solutions together.
The full text can be found here.
Together we can do this. Stay safe!
Home Office
Boy, I didn’t write something in my blog for quite some time, and what a different world it is now. Since a few days I’m working in my home office. It’s going surprisingly well, sometimes I miss my studio, but it feels good to be with the family these days. I hope you are all well and healthy. Let’s get through these difficult times united and with dare for one another. Stay safe.
Happy holidays, see you next year!
Another year has passed so quickly. It is time to put the brakes and close the studio door for a few days. I look forward to spending time at home with family and friends, to tea, cookies and candlelight. From my sofa, I will watch the birds stuff themselves, just like I will with chocolade. It was another good year with many wonderful moments, pleasant cooperation and many great projects, for which I would like to thank you. A children's booklet for Netto Marken-Discount together with the WWF and Jung von Matt, an illustration for Thees Uhlmann and my contribution for the children's comic magazine Polle, but also the numerous illustrations for the WWF, a revision of the mascot of the Museum Kunst der Westküste on Föhr together with Jörg Stauvermann and a nice poster series for the scouts of the VCP. As always, I have put together a small PDF for a larger overview, with a selection of projects from the past year. Please click here if you would like to take a look.
After laying the basis for my next book this year with a script and storyboard, after all the research that has gone before, I'm looking forward to finally starting the actual work, drawing a new graphic novel, starting next year. In October you could get a glimpse of how it will look like, at the annual Inktober Event, which is making the rounds on social media. But besides working on the book, there will definitely be time reserved for commissioned work, so feel free to contact me if you need my help.
But now I wish you and your loved ones from Utrecht a relaxed Christmas time, happy holidays and a good start into 2020.
See you soon and best regards,
Tobias Dahmen
WWF Junior Magazine
2019 was a packed one, and many illustrations were made for the German division of the WWF, for their magazines for the young members. A few of these illustrations I put recently in the Illustration section. Not all of them of course, as it would be a bit too much. Put you could sign up for a WWF membership, not the baddest idea at all…
Krombacher Sleigh Ride
It’s that wonderful time of the year again. And of course it’s the same procedure as every year, Mr. Santa and his friend, the reindeer are coming to your webbrowser. On they travel the world over and study the different christmas traditions from all over the world. You can guess where they are at that moment and win great prices. So jump on your sleigh and enjoy.
Let’s go!
Inktober 2019
Just like last year I took part in the annual #inktober event. I used it to practice and get more into the story of my next book “Columbusstrasse'“, and tried to draw some scenes from the story. You can take a look at the whole set on my Instagram account, or here on my page, in the illustration section… I hope you like them.
New Number
Just a little info that my BTW number, or my VAT or my Ust ID, whatever you want to call it, will change.
From 01.01.2020 it’s: NL002467040B13. So now you know.
Together with Jörg Stauvermann I gave the mascot Logofriese of the Museum Kunst der Westküste a friend, the Logofriesin. And while at it we redesigned him for the occassion as well. At least it‘s his birthday, he and the museum on the island Föhr turned ten lately. All of these characters became lifesize stand-up displays for the visitors of the museum to enjoy.
Back to then - Terug naar toen
Another nice project of late were these illustrations for Checkpoint , the magazine for Dutch veterans, containing memories of former soldiers. I did this together with mpg amsterdam, who are responsible for the great layout. I was happy they asked me for the drawing style I used for my last Inktober drawings, which I also want to use for my next book. So it’s my first commission in this style. Hope you like it as much as I do.