One of the nicest jobs of late was illustrating this little booklet, a cooperation of Netto Marken Discount and WWF Deutschland, under supervision of Jung von Matt. A little giveaway for the kids at the supermarkets, explaining how to protect and spare water with enviromental friendly products. All presented in an huge display.
Sitting in the train back home, I think about that great night last night at the Noorderzon Festival in Groningen. I’m always a bit insecure when I come to a new place, and I have never visited that wonderful festival, all about the arts, literature, dance, music, theater and visual arts. My show was about to take place in a container, and thinking about the Dexter series, in my doubtful mind I expected a tragedy.
But as soon as the sun set, people were buying tickets and entered my little cave which actually became quite cosy with everyone inside. Everyone enjoyed my readings from my book and all the shows were sold out. We even had to send away some people.
After the shows i walked a while over the festival area, the great park of Groningen, all lit up by a thousands lights, music and the chatter of so many people. That beer in my hand tasted great! I want to thank everyone who came along, the kind and supportive crew and especially Stefan Nieuwenhuis for the invitation.
Visit Noorderzon, it’s worth it!
A classic
Comix Online thinks, my book is a classic, and I am very happy about that. Thank you!
Back from This Is Ska
Ihm back from the This Is Ska Weekender, it was great, and I had a massive crowd. There are some thoughts, that I had about this festival, please excuse if I write them down in German:
Zurück vom This Is Ska bei Dessau. Alle Achtung, ich bin schwer beeindruckt! Was für ein toller Ort, diese Burg, was für grossartige Musiker, Djs, Bands, aber vor allem, was für ein Vibe! Solch ein heterogenes Publikum hätte ich nicht erwartet, sehr international, viele Punks, smarte Skinheads, Oi Skins, Familien mit Kindern und ganz viele „normale“ Leute. Und trotz der oder gerade wegen allseitiger feuchtfröhlicher Stimmung nicht die geringsten Momente von Aggression.
Und, das man muss man sich denke ich auch vor Augen halten: wir reden hier von einem Ska Festival. In Sachsen-Anhalt! Ska ist für mich schon immer die Musik der Verbrüderung gewesen. Sollte das tatsächlich jemand noch nicht wissen: ursprünglich kommt Ska natürlich aus Jamaika und hat schwarze Wurzeln, wurde aber in den Sechzigern schnell von den weissen Working Class Kids Englands angenommen und zum Teil der eigenen Kultur, Ska wurde die Musik der Skinheads, und erst viele Jahre später wurde dieser Begriff auch von Leuten benutzt, die auf das Erbe dieser Kultur spuckten und es buchstäblich zerstören wollten. Zum Glück haben die meisten Leute inzwischen kapiert, das Rassismus, Ska und Skinhead nicht zusammen gehen können.
Aus diesem Grunde dürfte dieses Festival einigen Leuten, die in dieser Gegend üblicherweise die Schlagzeilen machen, ein Dorn im Auge sein. Aber man behauptet sich, es ist ein kleines Wunder, daß es dieses Festival nun schon seit über zwanzig Jahren gibt.
Ich finde, das verdient grossen Respekt, denn ich könnte mir vorstellen, daß den Organisatoren durchaus auch gerne Knüppel zwischen die Beine geworfen werden. Aber das Festival ist eben auch eine Oase. Für all diejenigen, die anders ticken als der braune Mob, für die, für die einfache Parolen, Hass und Zerstörungswut keine Antwort sind. Es muss gut tun, dort ein Wochenende lang zu erleben, daß es eben auch andere Antworten gibt, und daß man eben nicht alleine ist.
Ich finde, solche Initiativen verdienen mehr unserer Aufmerksamkeit. Es ist eben auch sehr bequem, zu behaupten, der ganze Osten ist ein braunes Loch, und denen ist ja eh nicht zu helfen. Schublade auf, Vorurteil rein, Schublade zu. Lassen wir uns doch gleich die Mauer wieder aufbauen. Es vergeht nicht ein Tag, an dem ich solchen Kram nicht in meiner Timeline lese. Was für ein Quatsch! Man tut mit solcher Polemik so vielen Leuten Unrecht. Stattdessen hätten sie gerade unsere Unterstützung verdient.
Lasst uns das tun! Denn mir hat diese Unterstützung auch so viel Spaß gemacht. Und hab auch noch so viel zurück gekriegt, so einen Applaus wie nach meiner Lesung dort hatte ich schon lange nicht mehr. Dafür auch nochmal vielen, vielen Dank. Ich werd in den nächsten Tagen auch noch ein paar Fotos posten.
Also, wenn Ihr auf Ska und Reggae steht ist das This Is Ska Pflichtprogramm. Und wenn Ihr einfach nur auf einen guten Vibe steht, eigentlich auch.
Public opinion and published opinion
Here’s a brandnew illustration about an article of German agency komm.passion about the huge differences between the public opinion and the published opinion on facebook. Also: which subjects are using populist parties to influence people in different countries. Find the whole article here.
What a day. A gun attack on the tram in my lovely ol’ Utrecht. Schools on lock-down, the constant noise of the helicopters, riding through an almost empty town to get my daughter from school. My eyes constantly on the newsfeed. And 1000 questions after we arrived home safely.
I made this drawing shortly after I came to live in Utrecht, a detail from my first christmas card from my new home. I love Utrecht since day one, and I still kind of like this drawing. Today I added a little extra to it. What happened today in our city makes me sad. My deepest condolences to the family and friends of the victims. But I’m not going to look differently at Utrecht now, nor his citizens or our community.
I still love you Utrecht. I always will.
This is Ska
So this is my artwork for this year’s This Is Ska Festival in Rosslau. What a line-up!!! Ken Boothe, The Clarendonians, The Hotknives, Roy Ellis, The Movement, Napoleon Solo and so many more. Especially Ken Boothe was always a favourite of mine, ever since I discovered his music. And if you look closely, you‘ll spot my name there as well, as I will be doing a live-reading there. If you would have told this to my 18 year old self, I guess I would have passed out instantly. Boy, am I looking forward to this!
Fahrradmod Up North
I had a great time during my live-reading at the cozy Saimon’s restaurant on the island Föhr. It was the first time that we did this, a reading combined with a menu for the guests. It was delicious I tell you that, and if you visit the beautiful island you should definitely reserve a spot at this great place. The icing on the cake was the aperitif, a beer can, just like in the old days. Thanks once more Saimon for the invitation and Jörg from Aal for organizing it all.
Back At The Desk(s)
Hi there, I’m back at work. Did you enjoy the holidays?
Today is my first real working day at my new workspace at Het Huis van Betekenis. Looking forward to focus on writing my next book here. Wish me luck.
Of course I will also keep my other studio at the Pauwstraat for my comissioned work.
Northern by Nature
Available from today: the new issue of MINT, magazine for vinyl addicts. In it is a story about Northern Soul and they also asked me a few questions about it. I hope they understood me well, as I didn't get to see the article beforehand. There's also some artwork from my book in it.
Alles Gute in 2018.
The end of the year is close, and it was a good one, this 2018. There was a lot of work on my table and als the Dutch version of my book was published in Holland. What a ride.
Like every year I put together a little PDF, a little review of the work that was done and the things that happened in the last twelve month. If you like, please have a look.
Enjoy the holidays, enjoy the time with your families and friends, and have a good start into the next year. I’m looking forward to catch up in 2019.
Happy holidays!
Jopo de Pojo
It was a very nice book signing session at the fabulous comicstore Jopo de Pojo in Haarlem. We even ran out of books, luckily I had some extras with me in the trunk of my car. To my surprise even some familiar faces from Düsseldorf dropped by. Thanks a lot for the invitation and the very nice chats.
This was the last promotional date for a while. Thanks everyone for your support.
Cross Comix 2018
Cross Comix Rotterdam was a great festival. Thanks a lot for the invitation! There was a good crowd at my live-reading and it was just so nice to meet up with colleagues again, and watch the various shows. The performance of the Strip Club was great and reminded me of our Trash comic readings in Frankfurt a long time ago. But my highlight was to listen to Joe Sacco. What a great man! I‘m already looking forward to the next Cross Comix festival. Thanks to everyone who came to my show and thanks to Cok Jouvenaar for some of the pictures.
Record Planet Utrecht
Yes, I survived the madness that is the recordfair of Utrecht. I had a blast experiencing it from a different perspective, to have a booth there and sell my goods to the people. When I think about that it was the record fair initially that brought me to Utrecht I have to crack a big smile. Thanks to everyone who came and all the kind words, big up to dj Miss Twist for all the good care and her great sets that entertained us all day, thanks to Cas and Marjolein for the invitation and making it all happen, and also to Jan Vollaard for the very nice interview.
Styleguide - Fietsmod in the Volkskrant.
Bam! A big, a very big article about my book Fietsmod in the Volkskrant, one of the most important papers around here, our Dutch Guardian. I’m very, very happy with this one. Thanks a lot to Rob van Scheers for all the many kind words and Els Zweerink for the picture. You can read the full article here…
Fahrradmod 'n Soul in Paderborn
Such a nice evening in Paderborn, thanks a lot to everyone who came and especially to those from far. Chapeau to the Fürth/Nürnberg connection! The reading and spinning some soul tunes with Christian und Roberto was great fun. Thanks for the invitation guys and also to the Wohlsein for the good care.
Mod Sound Sessions at Bar Bakeliet
Merci and dankjewel Antwerpen. That was a good night. Thanks to Francisco and the local Mod Squad and Tim from Bar Bakeliet for the invitation. Also to Iris from De Groene Waterman for helping out with the books. We were sold out, but if you still want a copy, there are some left at the shop. Cheers!
Here are some pictures, from me and also Lodewijk Vergouwen.
Wilrijkse Stripdagen
Back from Antwerpen, back from the Wilrijkse Stripdagen. Had some nice days there, merci Frank and Luc for the invite and the great care. Thank you for your ongoing passion for the comic world. Here are some signatures, sketches and pics from the weekend.
Sometimes I nag that I don’t find enough time for a new book, with all the commissional work and the family life, but here I was seated next to Dirk. A police officer for 35 years, family man, and proud artist of about ten comic books....
Weller and me.
Yes, it really happened. After Paul Weller's acoustic concert in Utrecht I did a live-reading in the foyer of the big hall of Tivoli. You can imagine I was a wee bit nervous. All gratitude to the people of Tivoli for making this happen and of course to Yves Vaillant who made this beauty of a flyer.
(Sorry for the crappy pics of the event, the photographer, my dear wife was probably just as nervous)
A very nice review from Striptip. 4 Stars, thanks a lot en dankjewel.